energise your life

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The Extraordinary Power of Vibration helps you explore the unique frequency associated with how your ​life plays out.

When your vibration is low, life can be difficult to bear - when it’s high, life is more rewarding.

Here, you learn the everyday practices that help raise your vibration to experience a more fulfilling ​existence.

You will also get to understand The Observer Effect, a phenomena coined by quantum physicists to ​explain why you, the observer, have complete control of your existence.

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The essence of vibration

Before I show you the steps needed to bring yourself into a permanently high vibrational state, take a little time to understand its importance in ​everyday life.

Everything in this universe vibrates. We can measure it in Hertz, or Hz which means one event per second.

If you put your eye to an electron microscope you would see vibration in action, and because the quantum world is so tiny, it cannot be seen with the ​naked eye. It’s a busy, busy world.

All you really need to know is that low vibration mean poorly, slow and lethargic, while high vibration means fast, well and energetic.

Convert that into you, and you get the point - which would you prefer?

To give you a better idea why vibration means so much and why a higher vibration can be the difference between wellbeing and pain, think about the ​following:

The influenza virus has a vibration of 5.5 Hz and dies above 25.5 Hz.

For humans with a higher vibration, the virus is a minor inconvenience. Symptoms of a lower vibration include tiredness, fear, nervous tension, ​anger, and hatred. For humans with a low vibration, the virus becomes dangerous.

There are many examples of high v low vibration, as shown below:

The Earth's frequency today is 27.4 Hz.

There are places that vibrate much lower, such as hospitals, prisons, underground areas like mines etc. It's where the vibration drops to 20 Hz or less.

Then we see the lower ranges:

Pain: 0.1 to 2 Hz

Fear: 0.2 to 2.2 Hz

Irritation: 0.9 to 6.8 Hz

Noise: 0.6 to 2.2 Hz

Pride: 0.8 Hz

Abandonment: 1.5 Hz

Superiority: 1.9 Hz

On the other hand:

Generosity: 95 Hz

Gratitude: 150 Hz

Compassion: 150 Hz or more

Love for others and all living beings: 150 Hz

Unconditional and universal love: starting from 205 Hz

So, let’s get that vibration of yours where it’s meant to be!

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How do I measure my vibration?

By how you feel.

You have to start by believing you are a vibrational being. or a beacon, forever emitting signals - just like a radio station.

Your vibrations go everywhere seeking a match with like-minded individuals, events and circumstances.

If you are feeling excited and joyful, you attract beautiful things.

The opposite applies to feelings of unhappiness.

Be aware of your feelings right at this moment, and shift them up a notch.

Feel what happens.

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Trust the Universe

Our infinite universe is much like a playground.

Some believe it is all an accident. But the truth is, it cannot function without conscious observers.

A conscious observer, like you, is in possession of a belief system that manifests reality on a moment-by-moment basis.

It has always been said that you must be careful what you think, for those thoughts (and feelings) are received by the universe at large. They become ​real. They never go away.

Always trust the universe will deliver exactly what you believe.

Without exception.

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Power your heart

Your heart is a beacon, capable of thrusting your vibration out to the universe at large.

Your thoughts and feelings reach your heart and create what you want.

Of late, this has been proven using recording technology, which shows the force you have within you being catapulted out.

So, when you feel any emotion, try to remember it is being captured in the centre of your being, your ever-pumping heart.

Even when you sleep.

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Perpetual motion

We exist in a perpetually-in-motion universe where everything is shifting in unison. The tiniest thing is made up of atoms, including every piece of ​you.

Nothing is formed until you observe it. Your attention makes it so. The higher your vibration, the more accurate the manifested thing becomes.

You need only discover The Double Slit Experiment to know that photons respond to an observer.

The Observer Effect is a term coined by quantum physicists to explain why your vibration determines everything in your experience.

Here, you will find out about Entanglement, a phenomenon that Einstein called Spooky Action at a Distance.

Not science fiction, science fact.

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Vibration at work

From this point forward, you will be practicing the key methods of achieving high vibration.

These lessons are simple, every day practices that invisibly raise the level of your vibration.

In other words, you don’t need to be aware of your vibration, just practice the lessons - the vibration will take care of itself.

You will quickly see changes in your life-experience.

1 - Embrace every problem

When a problem arises, don't try and resist.

Accept, own and embrace your problems because (know it or not) you are responsible for their existence.

When you accept this, the problem will quickly vanish and be replaced by a sense of relief and it will resolve itself.

If you resist, the problem will keep knocking at your door because you have failed to take ownership and accept its existence.

This may seem to you the opposite of what you should do, but believe me when I say resistance is a barrier, while acceptance is liberation.

Try it, see for yourself.

2 - Manifest a tiny thing

Do you need proof your vibration is a physical thing? No problem. Manifestation is quite simply, creation.

To create something, consider a simple object, or as I like to say - something believable to you.

Close your eyes, try to remove distractions, be calm and visualize something you don't often encounter. Maybe a gold paperclip, or a peacock feather ​- anything uncomplicated.

Wait for it to eventually appear in some unexpected form. It could be in a photo, a TV show, even someone mentioning such a thing. It may even be ​the actual thing.

Be prepared to encounter this thing in any conceivable form.

3 - Make an appointment with nature

The lessons we learn from nature guide us on a path to natural vibration.

Nature exists in vibration alone; bees attracted to the nectar of a flower, photons of light bombarding a leaf to create the magic of photosynthesis and ​so on.

You need only place yourself in the thick of a natural setting to experience its magic.

Venture out. Find a quiet, private setting where you are immersed in all that is natural. Sit quietly. Listen and feel.

Soon you will be at one with your surroundings, part of them, entangled with nature and vibrating with it.

Do this often and watch how your life improves and how you become more at peace with yourself - and those around you.

4 - Thanks very much

Appreciation and thanks for all you have is one of the keys to living a blissful and harmonious life. It matters not whether the things you have are less ​than ideal.

What matters is that you understand the things you have at this very moment were manifested entirely due to the vibrations you emitted at the time.

Now you know this, raise your vibration by giving thanks. And by that I do not mean just say it – feel the emotion as well.

Witness the next thing arriving in a better form.

Always be aware of your feelings. Adjust them to a higher vibration at all times.

Even the smallest things in your experience warrant a mention, so make it a habit to appreciate people, events and physical things.

5 - Enjoy every little thing

Everything you do, from washing the dishes, to making the bed, to filling in a form to peeling an orange and taking the garbage out is to be enjoyed ​with relish.

You are unconsciously multitasking when you do these things. Your brain is firing neurons, your hands are holding, touching, feeling. Your body is ​shifting, your eyes focusing and all the time you might be thinking of something else.

Enjoy every little motion that magnificent body of yours is performing. When you treat everything you do with appreciation and joy, it suddenly ​becomes a total pleasure.

And the bonus is, the next thing you manifest is even better.

6 - Make giving a regular practice

One of the most rewarding actions is to give.

When you give, you are providing immense pleasure to the receiver.

In particular, giving away something you cherish is the highest form of release possible. This is because the intensity of emotion you experience by ​relinquishing it heightens your vibration - and you really feel it.

Once given, note the sense of satisfaction you have achieved; watch it come back in a form you never believed possible.

The great sages have always said; give and you will receive.

7 - Say Goodbye to clutter

Take a look around your home or office environment.

What do you see? A few nice, treasured things, like pictures, a pretty vase and general neatness? Or are you confronted with chaos and overflowing ​clutter?

If the latter, you can be rest-assured it's a reflection of your mind.

When your senses are cluttered, so will your life and your environment.

Start by taking one section, for instance your sitting room. Remove all the loose objects and put them somewhere.

Now, place an object back one at a time.

Each time, appraise how it looks, keep adding and stop the moment the environment makes you smile.

8 - Less is . . . More!

Reducing the physical footprint on your world makes room for clarity.

When you have less to worry about, your mind can focus on what really matters, which is your sanity.

You may have noticed that when you needlessly add to your 'collection' it has to be put somewhere.

We add needless things when we are feeling insecure, hoping whatever we are adding will fill that gap.

The truth is, less is without doubt more, so when the temptation grips you, first give something old away to make room for the new.

A minimalist existence will free you.

9 - Power your lungs

You don't need to be told to breath.

But when you become conscious of your breathing, you will discover the miracle of oxygen and how you can charge your entire body with new ​vibrations.

Those who practice yoga are very aware of the significance of breathing consciously.

Take a moment to be aware of your breathing cycle.

Instead of shallow breathing, take fuller inhales and exhales; close your eyes and imagining that oxygen charging your system.

10 - Be Empathetic

There is a natural art associated with empathy.

Not to be confused with sympathy, empathy means you are telepathically engaging with another, whether human or animal.

Empathy is triggered when you are confronted with another's pain.

You may walk past a homeless person, or witness someone crying. In any event, take a moment to connect.

By connect I do not mean physically communicate, I mean tap into your feelings and transmit healing thoughts.

They will be received and returned.

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I sincerely hope you have enjoyed (and benefitted) from this extract.

There’s a lot more, including Lessons 11 - 16, some amazing insights into the quantum world and the complete ​Observer Effect.

You can contribute a token amount by pressing the Donate button (secured via Paypal) .

If you cannot make a donation, that’s ok, just continue reading and come back here if you change your mind.

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11 - Ditch the Anger

Anger directed at another is anger with yourself!

When you feel this emotion welling up, the vibration is immensely low and strong, and it may come to harm you.

Notice that when anger strikes at a given moment, you may not have felt the same emotion in exactly the same circumstances at another time. This is ​because at that other time you were casting a higher vibration.

Replace the emotion with a conscious knowing that the target of your anger is also struggling; feel for them and be even in your temperament.

Arrest the emotion instantly by turning away from its source.

12 - Seek Love

The universe is filled with love.

It is the single most powerful emotion.

Start by loving yourself. This may seem difficult, or mistaken for conceit. But loving yourself really means be aware of the miracle of your existence.

When you look in a mirror, do not think ugly, fat, beautiful, sickly, old, young or whatever judgement comes to mind; that is ego.

Instead, recognize your image as a whole. Separate the detail of what you see from what you perceive, which is a temporary vessel housing an eternal ​soul.

When you love yourself, others are drawn to you and egocentric notions fall away.

13 - Pay attention

In your everyday life, you are constantly in thought mode.

The problem with thoughts is they bump into each other and cause distraction. Most of us cannot focus on a single thought more than a few seconds.

Successful people are capable of training their mind on one thing for many minutes.

Give it a try - quiet you mind, pay attention to the myriad thoughts that bombard you and grab one of them.

Hold on to it for as long as you can, then let it go.

You are on the path to meditation, the one practice that will allow your desires to enter your experience.

14 - Flick the Habits

In other words, addiction to things that trap you.

When a habit turns from casual enjoyment to an unhealthy indulgence, you’re on the road to addiction.

It comes in many forms:

Gambling, drug use, alcohol, swearing, eating too much or too little, over-shopping and so forth.

It's clear why bad habits form; they are the place you go to hide your pain. The way out is to first of all accept the problem.

Find and atone the pain, and you will flick the addiction.

Pay attention to the lessons learned so far. Make them your new habit to flick a switch and help you accept the futility of bad habits.

15 - Observe a Child

Babies come into this world directly from source, without ego.

For a while, they are unencumbered.

Their fascination with all things new is pure joy.

Take the time to watch how they are mesmerized by the smallest things: Spontaneous laughter, that heart-wrenching smile, the absence of ​judgement.

This is the time that adults can learn, the time when we can also teach that child never to forget who they really are.

16 - Look Beyond

When you focus on any mainstream media news item, question what you hear and see.

Don't assume the presenter is telling the truth, because they have been given a script that came from a place unknown.

The world is full of conflicting information, often communicated to control you.

Find a commentator you trust and also question that before allowing yourself to be influenced. Check their motive and make sure it is in your ​interests, not theirs.

Remember, you are the creator of your reality not some other informer.

Take control of what you allow into your perception.

The Observer Effect

Next, we take a look at the phenomenon of being an observer with a high vibration, and the benefits it gives you for everyday life. We cover the basics ​of quantum mechanics only to illustrate why your beliefs and consciousness are profoundly capable of shaping your life for the better (or worse if you ​allow it to be so).

We also recount some true-life stories and some methods you can apply to reach your goals. A key point to remember is that the universe is your ​servant; it responds to your emotions and feeds back whatever you desire. It does not differentiate between good and bad.

One thing is for certain - Love prevails over everything

The big question

Have you ever wondered how the world in which you live can be possible? How it came to be, what it all means? How you managed to be in the ​situation you are right now?

If so, you’re not alone with these thoughts. This book is about you and the effect your consciousness has on what you believe to be reality.

It has been known and studied for centuries that there is more to you than meets the eye, that your very existence is crucial to the universe as a ​whole. In this modern age, where the focus on external things distracts you from what really matters, it seems normal to embrace and worship ​material things. But this distraction prevents you from discovering all there is to know about who you really are.

It follows that you may need help in finding balance, so you don’t continue a life where happiness is just an occasional thrill. Yes, the fleeting ​contentment achieved by your attachment to things does give you temporary respite (or the illusion of happiness) but it is hard work constantly ​trying to achieve bliss in this way (the thrill wears off quickly).

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About the Author

Kieron Dowling

I was born in Dover, England and raised by military parents in the UK, ​Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore and Zambia. I have three incredible ​children and I live my fortunate life according to the practices described in ​The Extraordinary Power of Vibration. I write adventure stories drawn ​from my own life’s experiences. These days I divide my time between Italy ​and Western Australia.

You can see my other books by touching here:

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